Posted: Sun Feb 28, 21 1:25 am Post subject: a fine axe cosy
a while back i started a chat with SIL about axe cosies
he has leather working skills, i knew what would be practical
my specs and his ability to use that and make it into a real and practical thing have worked out ok
snaps to follow but
my axe has a cosy
the cosy can be held open
it has a ring frog that can be used left or right sided on the cosy combo or used with a naked axe as a belt loop
the top opens both sides and clips back to give a "quick draw holster"
it is cosy enough that it will not fall out in normal use but loose enough to be easy for one hand to grab and use it
i have never seen owt like it, my thoughts for practical and his making skills have worked well
considering he is a law person by trade rather than a "poor craftsman" this might be a one off, but the design is ideal for GP axes in the real world
i need to find him a good thank you, perhaps some PM rolled mokume gane for doing inlay on his scales would be suitable
Sounds interesting Dpack. Our son makes axe loops which can be worn on the belt; stops having to put the axe down when doing something else. He has to advertise them on our shop as 'tool loops' as FB doesn't like axes although quite happy with guns and holsters, which son won't allow on his leather work FB page as it is British.